More on Dr Carl Hart – a voice of reason and intellect

Dr Carl Hart is a neuroscientist and professor of psychiatry and psychology at Columbia University.  Dr Carl Hart is a voice of reason when it comes to the “war on drugs”, the “opioid crisis”, as well as psychoactive drugs, their use, and addiction.

From the website of Dr Carl Hart

“I have to make sure I don’t engage in conversations with people who don’t abide by the rules of evidence.”

― Dr Carl Hart

“Fix broken societies and you would fix most of the world’s drug problems”.

― Dr Carl Hart

Recent Publications:

People Are Dying Because of Ignorance, not Because of Opioids. Hart CL, Scientific American, November, 2017.
The Real Opioid Emergency. Hart CL, The New York Times, August 20, 2017.
Smoked marijuana attenuates performance disruptions during simulated night shift work. Keith DR, Gunderson EW, Haney M, Foltin RW, Hart CL, Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 178, 534-43.
Viewing addiction as a brain disease promotes social injustice. Hart CL,  Nature Human Behaviour, February 17, 2017.
Ivy League Professor: On drugs, the police and teaching. Hart CL, Washington Post, October 5, 2016.
Opioids aren’t the problem. Hart CL, Vice: Tonic, November 17, 2016.
Why do rural drug problems inspire compassion rather than contempt?
HeroinNew York TimesRacism

Can you imagine Gov. George Wallace of Alabama, at the height of the so-called crack epidemic, urging Alabamians to have compassion and view crack as a health crisis?

Should Capitalism Drive Substance Abuse Treatment?
Hedge funds like Bain Capital are investing in substance abuse for profit which could negatively affect the type of treatment people may receive.

K2 Apparent Overdoses & Keeping Heroin Users Safe

On Errol Lewis’ NY1 show I discuss K2, drug hysteria, the need for drug education and possibly a new law to keep the public safe.

“Fix broken societies and you would fix most of the world’s drug problems”.

The United States started the drug problem. They’re probably the biggest providers and diverters of drugs worldwide. They’ve used fallen soldiers to bring back illegal drugs, using their bodies as mules. The CIA brought back and disseminated the cocaine that ruined so many lives and families within the inner cities. The United States needs to be held accountable, they need to fix the mess they created, and heal some of the lives they’ve ruined. They need to quit incarcerating people of color for petty crimes white people go free for.

We addressed the burning issues about legalization of recreational marijuana.

Addiction is not a brain disease!

President Obama’s Drug Czar, Michael Botticelli, referred to drug addiction as a “brain disease.” He is wrong.

Think Counter-intuitively  — Carl Hart

Read some of High Price & let me know what you think.

About Me:


Carl Hart
Ziff Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry; Chair, Department of Psychology
Dr. Carl Hart

New York State Psychiatric Institute Division on Substance Abuse

Research Interest
Behavioral Neuroscience Neuropsychopharmacology
Ph.D., University of Wyoming, 1996

“Science should be driving our drug policies, even if it makes us uncomfortable.”
General Area of Research
Behavioral and neuropharmacological effects of psychoactive drugs in humans

Current Research
We are interested in investigating the behavioral and neuropharmacological effects of psychoactive drugs in human research participants. A major focus of this laboratory-based research is to understand factors that mediate drug self-administration behavior and to develop effective treatments.

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I've suffered from chronic pain for over 20 years. After being hit by an 18-wheeler, being in a roll-over accident (and spending 10 weeks in the hospital), and being in a serious cycling accident in which I fractured my spine, I also suffer from: Spinal stenosis, Degenerative disc disease, Osteoarthritis in my back and both knees, and CRPS in my foot (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome) Facet joint syndrome Scoliosis I've also been Dx'd with: Interstitial Cystitis IBS FMS CFS/ME Chronic corneal erosion Migraine headaches Trigeminal neuralgia Pituitary tumor Tarlov cysts Endometriosis Endometrial cancer Since my PCP left his practice in 2014, I've been unable to find a doctor willing to treat me with adequate life-restoring opioid analgesics. The fact that I was prescribed long-acting opioids for 3+ years without any dosage increase or addiction is proof that not everyone becomes an addict. As a matter of fact only 0.3% of chronic pain patients become addicted to opioids. Fortunately, my doctor left me enough Rx opioids to wean myself off without any problems or issues whatsoever. The CDC set their "guidelines" which make no sense from a medical standpoint with regard to treating patients with chronic pain. They set those "guidelines" secretly, behind closed doors, only giving the medical community 48 hrs to respond, and not adhering to any actual scientific research or studies. Between the CDC guidelines and the DEA targeting of doctors and chronic pain pts, we're seeing the largest increase in suicides ever. The US government is very aware of these increases, in fact it's my contention that it's intentional. This is modern day eugenics. The goal... to get rid of as many chronic pain patients, disabled, and those the government deems to be unproductive as possible because they believe we are a burden on the healthcare system. In fact, treating those suffering with chronic pain, leads to more productive people and less heathcare dollars spent. Opioid analgesics can be life-restoring for those suffering with intractable chronic pain. They can help us be productive, consume fewer healthcare dollars, and literally save and restore our lives.

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