Dr Carl Hart, the voice of reason in a sea of ignorance

In my opinion, Dr Carl Hart is a voice of reason in a sea of ignorance when it comes to the “war on drugs”, the “opioid crisis”, and addiction. I’ve done extensive research and from that, formed my own opinions but I’ve found him to be very solid, compelling, and an incredibly reasoned neuroscientist who addresses all the difficult issues surrounding addictive drugs.

Despite the fact that Dr Hart is a neuroscientist and professor of psychiatry and psychology at Columbia University who has done research with addicts and addictive substances, the United States government has ignored his research  regarding the CDC guidelines or current legislation. As a matter of fact, no pain management or addiction experts were consulted when putting together the CDC guidelines. Guidelines which were put together behind closed doors, in secrecy, without the prior knowledge of the mainstream medical community. The MME (Maximum Morphine Equivalents) were not based on any scientific evidence or peer reviewed studies. 

Dr Hart has testified before Congress but obviously, our policy-makers are not doing their due diligence, instead they rely on false reporting by the CDC and the CDC has admitted to gross inflation of the numbers with regard to prescription opioid overdoses and deaths, as well as using faulty information gathering methods. Dr Hart is the only researcher who is actually working with, and researching addicts, using addictive psychoactive substances.

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I've suffered from chronic pain for over 20 years. After being hit by an 18-wheeler, being in a roll-over accident (and spending 10 weeks in the hospital), and being in a serious cycling accident in which I fractured my spine, I also suffer from: Spinal stenosis, Degenerative disc disease, Osteoarthritis in my back and both knees, and CRPS in my foot (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome) Facet joint syndrome Scoliosis I've also been Dx'd with: Interstitial Cystitis IBS FMS CFS/ME Chronic corneal erosion Migraine headaches Trigeminal neuralgia Pituitary tumor Tarlov cysts Endometriosis Endometrial cancer Since my PCP left his practice in 2014, I've been unable to find a doctor willing to treat me with adequate life-restoring opioid analgesics. The fact that I was prescribed long-acting opioids for 3+ years without any dosage increase or addiction is proof that not everyone becomes an addict. As a matter of fact only 0.3% of chronic pain patients become addicted to opioids. Fortunately, my doctor left me enough Rx opioids to wean myself off without any problems or issues whatsoever. The CDC set their "guidelines" which make no sense from a medical standpoint with regard to treating patients with chronic pain. They set those "guidelines" secretly, behind closed doors, only giving the medical community 48 hrs to respond, and not adhering to any actual scientific research or studies. Between the CDC guidelines and the DEA targeting of doctors and chronic pain pts, we're seeing the largest increase in suicides ever. The US government is very aware of these increases, in fact it's my contention that it's intentional. This is modern day eugenics. The goal... to get rid of as many chronic pain patients, disabled, and those the government deems to be unproductive as possible because they believe we are a burden on the healthcare system. In fact, treating those suffering with chronic pain, leads to more productive people and less heathcare dollars spent. Opioid analgesics can be life-restoring for those suffering with intractable chronic pain. They can help us be productive, consume fewer healthcare dollars, and literally save and restore our lives.

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